Prosawood Plants 2020!Published: 25.09.2020

In 2020, Prosawood planting day was held in Autumn. There was so much going on in the World in Spring because of the reasons known to everyone, that it was impossible to do it then. But then again, as there was so much time passed from the last planting day, our hunger to plant was as huge as it has ever been. 

In total, about 40 Prosawood friends were helping us on that day and we had a really fantastic day! The weather was perfect, no mosquitoes this time of the year and we enjoyed this pleasant day in nature to the maximum. 

In total, about 5000 small spruce trees got themselves a new home! What’s not to like? 😊

You can check rest of the pictures from our Google Photos album link: Prosawood Plants 2020

See you in 2021!